Sunday, August 1, 2021

Beet Harvest

It was time to pull these beets and I was happy with what I got. After trimming and rinsing I was left with 2.5 lbs which I'm ok with considering the container I grew them in has less than three sqft of growing space. Only a couple didn't result in a root worthy of calling a beet. 

I'm not sure exactly what I'll do with them. I was thinking about pickling them and I should be able to get a few half-pint jars from the bunch. But I think instead we'll cook and eat half... less than half, and pickle the rest. And I'll reseed the container to grow more. I'll have to add more compost or just mix in lots of fresh fertilizer. With luck I can have another little harvest like this in October.

My peppers are doing well and that will probably be the next little harvest. But my beans are trying real hard too. I'm finally seeing lots of flowers and a few little beans. I feel sorry that I couldn't give these plants a taller structure to grow on. These blue lake pole beans put up some really tough vines. Most of the cords I tied up to support them untied in the wind a long time ago. No matter. These things aren't going anywhere.

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